What is my Tezos address?
If you want to add your Tezos wallet to track in Emma, we need you to enter your Tezos address to get your wallet information.
We only request view permissions. This does not give us access to your private keys not the ability to move your funds. This just allows us to display your wallet holdings in Emma 🪙
Your Tezos wallet address is typically a tz1, tz2, or tz3, followed by 33 characters (letters and numbers).
Here's an example of a Tezos address:
To find your Tezos address, you'll need to open your wallet app, whether it’s a mobile wallet like Trust Wallet or Kukai Wallet, a desktop wallet, or a web-based wallet like Temple Wallet. Once you're in the wallet, look for the "Receive" or "Deposit" section for Tezos (XTZ). There, you’ll see your address displayed, and you can copy it for receiving Tezos.
If you're using a hardware wallet, like a Ledger or Trezor, you would connect it to your device, open the Tezos app, and go to the "Receive" section to view your address.
We only request view permissions. This does not give us access to your private keys not the ability to move your funds. This just allows us to display your wallet holdings in Emma 🪙
What does my Tezos address look like?
Your Tezos wallet address is typically a tz1, tz2, or tz3, followed by 33 characters (letters and numbers).
Here's an example of a Tezos address:
How do I find my Tezos address?
To find your Tezos address, you'll need to open your wallet app, whether it’s a mobile wallet like Trust Wallet or Kukai Wallet, a desktop wallet, or a web-based wallet like Temple Wallet. Once you're in the wallet, look for the "Receive" or "Deposit" section for Tezos (XTZ). There, you’ll see your address displayed, and you can copy it for receiving Tezos.
If you're using a hardware wallet, like a Ledger or Trezor, you would connect it to your device, open the Tezos app, and go to the "Receive" section to view your address.
Updated on: 19/02/2025
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