How can I check my recurring subscriptions?
This is an Emma Plus, Emma Pro and Emma Ultimate feature 🐻
You can see your subscriptions that Emma has detected in your bank accounts by scrolling down your Feed (main dashboard) in the Emma app.
Under Recurring payments you'll see all the recurring transactions and subscriptions that Emma has detected in your linked accounts.
if there are any subscriptions you no longer want, or anything you're not familiar with, you can reach out to your bank to cancel the Direct Debit! You can also go to the subscription provider to cancel the subscription.
We're unable to cancel the payments directly through Emma. We receive the data, but you'll need to go to your bank or the provider to cancel anything.
You can see your subscriptions that Emma has detected in your bank accounts by scrolling down your Feed (main dashboard) in the Emma app.
Under Recurring payments you'll see all the recurring transactions and subscriptions that Emma has detected in your linked accounts.
if there are any subscriptions you no longer want, or anything you're not familiar with, you can reach out to your bank to cancel the Direct Debit! You can also go to the subscription provider to cancel the subscription.
We're unable to cancel the payments directly through Emma. We receive the data, but you'll need to go to your bank or the provider to cancel anything.
Updated on: 25/10/2024
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