Volatility Alerts
What are volatility alerts?
Our volatility alerts let you know when a share has gone up or down in price by 5% or more over a 24 hours period.
You'll get these alerts as a push notification to your phone. They will apply to shares that you hold, and shares that are on your watchlists.
If you don't want to receive these alerts, you can switch them off in the settings on the Invest tab.
Tap invest at the bottom right of your screen
Tap the Settings icon (cog) at the top right
Toggle Volatility alerts on or off
Why have volatility alerts?
Investing in volatile shares can carry greater risk. Our volatility alerts serve as a proactive measure to inform and educate you, helping you make an informed decision.
The alerts don't mean you need to take any action, but they can help you to make sure that your investment is aligned with your investment strategy and risk tolerance.
If you have any further questions, reach out to us here ✍️
Updated on: 06/12/2024
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