How safe is Emma App?
Security is at the core of what we do 🚀 Open Banking In the UK, we use the Open Banking system to connect to your accounts. The Open Banking was introduced by the UK government to provide a safe and secure way to connect your accounts with third-parties without having to share your log in details with us. Learn more about the Open Banking system here. Bank Grade Encryption Emma uses several state-of-the-art security measurePopularWhat if Emma App gets hacked?
Your credentials Emma doesn't store your banking credentials. This means that your account can not be breached at any point in time, even if our servers get compromised. World class security In order to protect your other personal info, like your phone number and email address we use world-class security practises to ensure that Emma is a safe and secure service. We hold regular security audits and tests to challenge our protocols and to ensure that we avoid any vulnerabilities. InSome readersDoes Emma App breach my bank's terms and conditions?
Emma is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Registered Account Information Service Provider (RAISP) under the Payment Service Regulations 2017. This means we have legal right to access and display banking information and we don't violate, in any way, your bank's terms and conditions. If you want to know more about the regulations, visit the FCA website.Few readersWhat happens if I die?
Everything owned by a person who has died is known as their estate. Their estate may be made up of: money, investments, property, and personal belongings. If you hold an Emma Save or Emma Invest account with us, your assets would form part of your estate. If you were to sadly pass away, we would need to see your will and speak to your executors before releasing any funds. Your savings and investments would stay in your Emma accounts until we receive instructions from your executor. ThisFew readers