How do I add or remove a transaction from Recurring Payments?
If an incorrect transaction appears or a transaction is missing from your recurring payments, you can add or remove this manually. Add a transaction to a Recurring Payment Go to the Feed tab, scroll down to Recurring payments and select View all Select the recurring payment you want to edit Tap on Add more transactions under Past Payments Enter the transaction name *If a transaction shows Tracking, this means that it is already included in a recurrinSome readersHow can I check my recurring subscriptions?
You can see your subscriptions that Emma has detected in your bank accounts by scrolling down your Feed (main dashboard) in the Emma app. Under Recurring payments you'll see all the recurring transactions and subscriptions that EmmaFew readersAdd a recurring payment
Emma is smart enough to able to detect any recurring payments you might have, from direct debits to standing orders and frequent card purchases, and assign them to your recurring payments. Mistakes, however, may happen from time to time. If one of your reoccurring payments is not automatically detected, follow the steps below to add a new recurring payment: Adding a recurring payment Go to the Feed tab, scroll down to Recurring payments and select View all In the tSome readersAmend a recurring payment
Need to make some changes to your recurring payment? You can change: the predicted price predicted payment date frequency name expected min and max amount Amending a recurring payment: Go to the Feed tab and select See All button next to the recurring payments section Select the recurring payment you want to change from your list of recurring payments You'll be able to edit the expected amount end frequency from the top panel on this screen If you are looSome readersRemove a recurring payment
You may want to remove a recurring payment from your recurring payments list if that recurring payment is no longer active or Emma detected a transaction as a recurring payment incorrectly. If you want to remove a recurring payment from your recurring payments list, follow the steps below: Removing a recurring payment Go to the Feed tab and select See All next to the recurring payments Select the recurring payment you want to remove Select the three dots in the tPopularFix duplicated recurring payments
Seeing duplicated recurring payments on your Recurring payments list? Learn more about why you're seeing incorrectly duplicated recurring payments in Emma and how you can solve it below 🚀 Duplicated recurring payments occur because your latest recurring payment wasn't identified as being associated with your existing recurring payment. Reasons for this include: The payment account for this recurring payment has changed The name of the recurring payment transaction has changed The pFew readersWhat are inactive recurring payments?
Recurring payments can be active or inactive. You will see a list of Inactive recurring payments at the bottom of your Recurring Payments section. Emma marks recurring payments as inactive when you are no longer being charged for that particular recurring payment. This could be for example a charge from an old energy provider or mobile contract which you are no longer using. It can also happen when you switch your bank to a different bank provider. If you find that Emma has marked one of youFew readers